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Rating distribution for Oatworm


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Thu 24th Feb 17:48
Micro Mission rated  Good
I don't usually go out of my way to give strong reviews to Risk clones, but I have to admit, this is a pretty good tweak of the original. The smaller board does a fantastic job of speeding up game play and moving things along, and the graphics are top notch.
#98 of 98
Thu 24th Feb 17:47
Axes and Allies rated  Perfect
I've been waiting for this board to make it here for so very long... glad to see it finally made it.

This board absolutely REQUIRES teamwork, some strategy, and possibly even some study. This is not a board for the squeamish.
#97 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 19:00
Planet Yertle rated  Good
It's a fun board. Not an "instant classic", but definitely playable.
#96 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:59
Neverland rated  Great
This is one of those boards where, if I reviewed it when I first played it, I would've given it a 6 or a 7 and walked away. Having played a few games on it, though, it's really grown on me. The jumping attack paths, mostly irrelevant continents, and Hordes bonuses are a lot of fun once you figure out how to properly defend everything. Takes a few tries to nail that down, though.

The one complaint I'll have is that the ending can be remarkably tedious, though at least it's different about the kind of tedium it gets lost in. Instead of the usual 100-man standoff between two implacable opponents with four cards each, this one just leads to "I'm going to spend the next five minutes clearing out all of your 0's so you don't get any territory bonuses, but not have enough units to hold anything myself" contests. Frankly, they can get a little annoying after a while.

The good news is they happen rarely enough for the board to stay fairly playable, though. Plus, there's something to be said for having one territory when you start your turn, then running over the entire board with a four man army, hoping and praying your opponent only has two or three left themselves.
#95 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:55
Mutiny on the Bounty rated  Fair
It reminds me a lot of the original "Mutiny on the Bounty". That's not necessarily a good thing. Games take a while, plenty of little nooks and crannies to hole up in, and the graphics are a little hit and miss, especially when dealing with the multi-level boundaries.
#94 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:52
Plink rated  Great
I'm partly giving this an '8' because, at the time of this review, it'll create a middle-finger shaped review graph. I'm also partly giving this an 8 because it's a lot of fun to play and it's wildly unorthodox. Takes a bit to wind down at the end, even when it's fairly obvious who's going to run away with it, though.
#93 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:51
Ribbon World rated  Great
I bet this would be a great board with at least four or five people. Somehow, all the games I've ever played on it were 2- or 3-player games, and this board is nearly unplayable that way. Then again, that's true of a lot of boards, so I'm not going to hit it too hard for that.

Outside of that issue, it looks slick, the mountain border modifiers are a nice touch, and there are a fair number of options for players to build around. It doesn't break the mold by any stretch of the imagination, but it does a fine job filling its mold quite well.
#92 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:48
Salem's Dusk: Classic rated  Perfect
I love this board so very, very much. Between the fog and limited attacks, it does an excellent job of replicating a building-by-building firefight.
#91 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:47
Slasher rated  Great
It's a fun, quick board. Definitely rewards an aggressive touch.
#90 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:45
Northwest Passage rated  Average
It's a solid board, though nothing terribly exciting. If you like basic Risk-style game play, you'll like this board.
#89 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:26
Rockem Sockem rated  Perfect
It's a visually stunning introduction to Simulgear game play. Yes, it requires a bit of luck to win, but that's par for the course on smaller boards. Good, good stuff.
#88 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:25
Tree of Life rated  Great
This map is literally loopy.
#87 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:21
Vertigo rated  Good
It's short, sweet, and to the point. Also displays an oaken finish with a hint of pear notes. Has a strong, full-bodied flavor. I recommend pairing this board with a nice, juicy steak.
#86 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:18
Wargate SG-1 rated  Superb
I don't get it. That must mean it's brilliant!

Seriously though, the graphics are awesome and the game play is, if nothing else, wildly unconventional. Good work!
#85 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:17
Mario 3 -- World 1 rated  Superb
Nostalgia has a selection bias... and so do I!

It's a good, fun, clean little board that plays hard and fast. That it's also based on Mario 3 is a nice touch. The Hammer Bros non-contiguous border, the castles, and other bonuses do a nice job of keeping things from stagnating.
#84 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:15
Manifest Destiny rated  Average
If you've ever played "Antastic!", game play on this board will look awfully familiar, if a bit more cramped. Graphics are prettier, though. I recommend lots of fog with this one.
#83 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:12
Holy Land rated  Superb
MUCH more challenging than it looks at first glance. Though you can certainly play it Hordes-style, you'll quickly discover the hard way that Cross bonuses compound on each other. On the other hand, they're remarkably easy to tear apart, unless you have to go through several crosses consecutively. Or you can go for continents... or can you? Depends on the continent, I suppose.

What impresses me about this board is that it's challenging not because it's technically complex, but because the few complexities work together to keep your and your opponents' heads off-balance.
#82 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:09
Wargear Quest rated  Average
It's a good starter board. Has a couple of non-contiguous borders and the castle bonuses are a good way to get things moving. Past that, nothing special.
#81 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 18:04
Gotham rated  Superb
This is one of the few "capture and hold" maps that I really, REALLY like. I think a big part of that is due to the neutral cushions and the deceptive flexibility of being able to transfer mid-attack.
#80 of 98
Fri 18th Feb 17:46
Fallout rated  Superb
I'd give this a 10, but I've yet to see someone make a run for New Canada. Boo!

Seriously though, this board does a fantastic job of taking the standard Hordes concept and turning it on its head. I disagree with Yertle that it's "easy and quick to pick up on" - it took me two or three games before I started to feel comfortable on it. Once I did, though, strategies just kind of clicked into place.

Give it a couple of chances. You'll like it in the end.
#79 of 98
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